Become a Member

At Veets we are seeking to bring together business owners and networkers that seek relationships first and look and provide value first with everyone they meet. If this sounds like you then you will find our community to be a great fit. More than anything, the people you get to connect with is the greatest value but on top of that we want to provide you with a variety of benefits that'll help you and your business. Each of the items mentioned below come with our Plus and Pro memberships and can be a great benefit to your business growth.

Character giving a presentation to a large laptop simulating a virtual presentation on a video call

Event Presentation Time

You are awesome at what you do, and have a wealth of knowledge. As a Veets+ Member we want to give you time to routinely present to our community and share your value. In turn, we’ll get to know you better and find new ways to support you.

A phone mockup with example social media posts on an Instagram app with two additional examples to the left and right of the phone. The social media posts are profile cards for Veets members.

Social Media Highlights

What better way to cut through the noise on social media than highlight YOU! We want to use our presence on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Alignable, and more to highlight our plus members. Anything we can do to make you the hero of our story, we are going to do. Afterall, Veets is about you, and our followers on social need to know that!

A graphic of a calendar with green squares filling in the days of the week. A hand is circling one of the days with a pen.

Unlimited Veets Meetings

Veets is fairly unique in that we have multiple events each week that you can attend and our plan is to keep adding more as we grow. As a Veets+ member we want you to have the flexibility of joining in when it fits your schedule, and network as much as you like! 

A mock up of a phone with a Veets Member profile shown on the screen

Custom Veets Profile

Let’s face it, first impressions are important, and we need to lead with our best. That’s why for every Veets+ Member we build a custom profile that allows you to have a clean professional summary of you and the value you offer. This includes, your key web links, testimonials, ideal partners and more.

A view of a website page showing the members of Veets with their images all in a line.

Member Directory

Veets is all about its community, and what a better way to support members than to make a special page dedicated just to them. We want to celebrate you on this page. 

A graphic of a bullhorn to represent making a shoutout.

Event Shoutouts

We all wish we had more time to network, but life and business is busy. This is where our Veets+ Member shout outs come in handy. With or without you Veets will be singing your praises and keeping you top of mind by talking about you and your business during events. How cool is that?

A screen showing of the app.

Private Online Community

Relationships take time and need to extend beyond just our daily events. Enter our online Circle Community Group (think Facebook Group, but better!). Here our members can keep up to date with one another and share ways to support. Continue to connect and support any time and anywhere.